I rarely buy fake desinger bags, but this one exceeded all my expectations! This dupe looks luxurious considering the price. The details are simply stunning. I’ve received countless compliments on it. Very nice bag great quality.
Was going to buy this loop hobo at the LV store, luckily I found it here.
Very good quality. The bag was well-packaged and came out perfect. Great customer service. Very happy with my purchase.
This is a beautiful bag. It arrived very well packed, stuffed fully, to hold its shape. The material LOOKS and FEELS like real leather, for all I know, it IS genuine leather. There is No bad Smell, as others have indicated. Highly recommend.
I rarely buy fake desinger bags, but this one exceeded all my expectations! This dupe looks luxurious considering the price. The details are simply stunning. I’ve received countless compliments on it. Very nice bag great quality.
Was going to buy this loop hobo at the LV store, luckily I found it here.
Very good quality. The bag was well-packaged and came out perfect. Great customer service. Very happy with my purchase.
he quality are top notch. Made of good quality leahter. Love it. I would recommend.
This is a beautiful bag. It arrived very well packed, stuffed fully, to hold its shape. The material LOOKS and FEELS like real leather, for all I know, it IS genuine leather. There is No bad Smell, as others have indicated. Highly recommend.
This bag is beautiful, light weight, well made. So cute and great quality. I am very happy with my purchase.